vendredi 24 décembre 2010
Life without Savisaar?
jeudi 23 décembre 2010
mardi 14 décembre 2010
More on stupidity
vendredi 10 décembre 2010
Goodbye my Estonian
dimanche 5 décembre 2010
Neeger -- Negro -- Preto
no-word, instead, people most often use 'mustanahaline'. This is quite odd because 'mustanahaline' means either 'black-skinned' or 'dirty-skinned', and the word 'must' was often used in Soviet times as a derogatory word for black-haired people from Central Asia or Caucasus. All this fuss is the result of primitive understanding of the meanings of words and correspondences between words in different languages. It is naively presumed that the English 'negro' is the same as the Estonian 'neeger'. But it is not so. As is proven by the fact that in Portuguese, the word that was used for Blacks, used to be 'preto'. Nowadays it too has become a politically incorrect word, and instead of 'preto', one must use 'negro'... The morals is that every word belongs to a web of connotations, is connected with other words in its language. In some cases, especially in second class languages as Estonian, these connotations tend to include also words in first class languages, in our case English. And often our language is reinterpreted in the light of such interlingual correspondences. And remodelled to fit better into the patterns established by (American) English. The result is a language using Estonian-sounding words, but having the structure of English. Every word in this hybrid language corresponds to a word in English.
samedi 4 décembre 2010
Är tsurkva mu keele
jeudi 2 décembre 2010
Worst Mistakes US Made
samedi 27 novembre 2010
Breaking taboos
vendredi 26 novembre 2010
Prokuröri ja ahukaadi
Knowledge ruins its object
The s is not something that can be avoided, it is an intrinsic part of the human condition, and certainly of the most fundamental laws of the universe we inhabit. It is a corollary of the law of increase of entropy that is valid in the universe as well as in our brain, a micro-model of this universe, a microcosm simulating the processes of the macrocosm. The principle of increase of entropy means that the value of s must be less than 1, it has a negative influence on our productivity, on the results we want to achieve. It introduces mistakes into our texts, faults into our ethnology, into our theories, economies... In principle, these mistakes can be corrected, faults faulted. Our brain is not a closed system, we can put into it some information, some negative entropy harvested from outside. But this comes at a price, the price means that something in a bigger system must be changed, degraded, some of its positive measures (as e.g. its complexity) must be multiplied by s. We can learn, diminish our stupidity by reading books, surfing in the internet, listening to wiser people, thinking, trying to find solutions to our problems. But we cannot be sure that what we learn is free of mistakes, whether we want it or not, we take over some of other people's faults. And unavoidably we introduce some more “mistakes” into our environment. Having more books means destroying more trees, surfing in the internet means wasting more energy, increasing the entropy on our planet. And as ourselves, our civilization, our culture and any ecosystem can survive and thrive only in limited conditions, in a limited interval of temperature, moisture, pressure, the degradation of our environment means that we are diminishing the chances of our own survival in future. Our knowledge is always infected with stupidity, the s is present in everything we think and do. Constructing something, we deconstruct it or something else. Our actions have always some negative results. Our knowledge ruins its object.
samedi 13 novembre 2010
Olessi nigu peris luuletaja
dimanche 7 novembre 2010
Where autocracy comes from?
samedi 6 novembre 2010
Genetic and memetic drift in small populations
There is a clear analogy to the gene drift in the cultural changes in human societies. Some such changes, some memes have a positive value, help the society to function in a more efficient and smooth way, minimizing the possibility of harm to its members, enhancing their happiness, creativity, etc. Some changes are harmful. In a big society, there are more changes, more innovations, but each of such innovations has a smaller effect on the society as a whole. In a small society some innovations can influence the behaviour of the society as a whole. It means also that single persons can more easily become influential in a small society. The culture of a small nation can more easily be influenced by a strong personality. I think we can find good examples of such influential personalities in Estonian culture. I can mention the “language engineer” Johannes Aavik who introduced into the standard Estonian several dozen memes, new words of his own creation and some grammatical forms. There are other examples. Some scientists have had an exceptionally great influence on the development of biology, physics or philology here. Botanical studies in Estonia on the second half of the Xxth century wouldn't have been what they were without the works of the great botanist, one of the great figures of plant sociology, professor Teodor Lippmaa. The fenno-ugric studies developed under the aegis of Paul Ariste, our oriental studies have been shaped by the influence of two major scholars – Linnart Mäll and Rein Raud. The problem is that such leader figures in their respective fields can be broad-minded and tolerant, but sometimes this is not the case. Then, their authority can become an obstacle, they become gurus, their students become their disciples more or less blindly accepting their ideas and attitudes. There are simply no other persons of similar authority, no good colleagues, no rivals, no adequate criticism of their achievements.
Could we also find analogies of such a situation in Estonian politics? I hesitate to answer, but my tentative answer is no. Despite all the fuss and noise around politics, it still has a definite survival value, and no politician is capable of monopolizing the scene here. However, in politics too, some ideas, some memes can become influential more by chance than by their real value, and as such, shape to a significant degree, the life of our society. One such idea is the neo-liberalist ideology imported and spread in Estonia by some active supporters of Milton Friedman, although these people had little understanding of Friedman's work in economics. But thanks to the activity of our Friedmanian politicians, Estonia is now a kind of an experiment in neo-liberal economy and politics. So far this experiment has been successful, despite some very serious problems on the horizon. But as such, the Estonian experiment can serve as a good or bad example for other nations, even for the bigger ones where different views and their proponents to a much greater degree balance one another, creating a society more based on the aurea mediocritas.
jeudi 4 novembre 2010
Our non-Aristotelian dreams
mardi 26 octobre 2010
Hümn sai veidi parandedus
Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm,
mu vanemate maa!
Ei sinust kaunimat küll eal
või leida laia ilma peal
ei armsamat kui oled sa
mu kallis isamaa!
Sa oled mind ju sünnitand
ja suureks kasvatand:
mul püsid meeles alati,
ma jään su lapseks surmani,
mul kurb on olla sinuta,
mu kallis isamaa!
Su üle taevas valvaku,
mu armas isamaa!
Ja päevapaiste hoidku sind,
mu sünnimaa, mu kodupind,
jää kestma sa, jää vabaks sa,
mu kallis isamaa!
vendredi 22 octobre 2010
Suomalaisittain Sofi Oksasesta
Kun olin lukenut Puhdistuksen, minua alkoi vaivata kummallinen ajatus. Se ei tietenkään ole kirjaimellisesti tosi, mutta päässäni pyöri: S.O. ei ole itse kirjoittanut tuota kirjaa, vaan sen on pistänyt kasaan joukko viihdeteollisuuden huippuammattilaisia. Hehän osaavat kaikki kikat ja tehokeinot: kuinka rakennetaan vetävä juoni (uusi, mutta kuitenkin kliseinen ja sopivasti ennakoitava), vetäviä henkilöhahmoja (uusia, mutta kuitenkin ikivanhojen arkkityyppien toisintoja) ? ja kuinka päälle päätteeksi kirjailijasta itsestäänkin luodaan ?selvästi erottuva brändi?. Koko komeuden pitää tietenkin uida myös poliittisen valtavirran suuntaisesti (mutta kuitenkin niin, että se näyttää kapinalliselta, vastavirtaan pyristelyltä).
Näin mieleni silmin myös, kuinka tuo koneisto ahmii kitaansa aineksia virolaisten elämästä ja muokkaa ne säälittä kulttuuriteollisuuden standardoiruiksi tuotteiksi. Jonkinlaista PUHDISTUSTA lienee sekin. Siinä on myös ryöstön tai hyväksikäytön maku.
Mutta ehkä tuo kuvitelmani ei ole täysin väärä. Ehkä kulttuuriteollisuuden koneisto on siepannut Sofi ?paran mielen vähän samalla tapaa, kuin ne varasohjelmat, joita taitavat tietokonerikolliset yrittävät istuttaa meidänkin läppäreihimme.
mercredi 20 octobre 2010
Samoan and Estonian
The grammatical adjustment that is encountered in most Pacific languages that have come under the influence of expatriate missions and education systems is that a number of apparently viable languages (in terms of numbers of speakers and social institutionalization), such as Fijian or Samoan, have nevertheless disappeared, in the sense that what has remained is primarily their formal properties and what has gone is their semantic and pragmatic aspects. The continuation of mere lexical forms of earlier languages raises the question of identity of linguistic systems over time, external pressure(s) having introduced a degree of discontinuity and restructuring that renders the notion of historical continuity useless.
Hasn't the same happened to the Estonian language that has been and is being intensively restructured by foreign influences, these influences having been successfully internalized and sometimes taken to extremes by our own literati? Has the old Estonian disappeared, being replaced by a euro-language that has lost most of its "semantic and pragmatic aspects"? Isn't, paradoxically, the Russian language, at present downgraded and driven out of use a potential counterweight to the overwhelming Euro-American influence on Estonian?
mardi 19 octobre 2010
Кнут и пряник
Интересно то, что в искусстве кнут намного сильнее пряника. В пряничных западных обществах художники и писатели создают все более агрессивные, шокирующие книги, картины, фильмы, как будто идя навстречу нашей потребности в кнуте. В эту категорию попадает и популярный триллер финской писательницы Софи Оксанен, которая почерпнула материал для своего horor-story в недавней истории Эстонии. Если читать книгу как триллер, книга неплохая, написанная по давним правилам такой литературы. Но ее книгу никак невозможно принять за реалистическое описание жизни в Эстонии во второй половине ХХ столетия. Как и романы лауреатов Сталинской премии, иногда очень хорошо написанные, нельзя принять за реалистические описания советской действительности.
Удивляются, почему я не пишу в моем блоге по-эстонски. Об этом я уже коротко писал тут же. Я человек без настоящего родного языка, родной язык моей семьи -- выруский -- был подавлен и отчасти уничтожен языковой политикой эстонских властей, а официальный эстонский слишком далек и от того эстонского, на котором говорили у нас дома. И нынешние тенденции развития эстонского языка превращают его все больше в некий евро-эсторанто, которое мне совершенно чуждо. Официальный эстонский развивался под сильным влиянием нашего варианта русского футуризма, идеологии, провозглашающей изжившими свой век народные языки, которые следует коренным образом перестроить в цивилизованные. Такой перестройкой моего родного языка и занимались несколько поколений различных деятелей, часто самоучек, и результатом их деятельности стало это евро-эсторанто. Поэтому я все чаще пытаюсь пользоваться языками, не перестроенными лингвистами-футуристами, языками, которыми неплохо, но к сожалению и не в совершенстве, владею.
lundi 18 octobre 2010
Machine-inventing Man
We are never entirely ourselves, a part of us is borrowed, taken over from others, from the "collective mind". Our individuality is an outgrowth of a bigger identity, we are partly dissolved in this collective mind. Our conscious life is always a compromise between the collective and the individual parts of our mind. It's a dynamic compromise, sometimes we let the collective stream of consciousness to carry us, sometimes we strive to swim in a different direction, sometimes even counter the current. But we are never entirely successful, the current is always there. The current that carries us, and the machines that do our work for us. And often dictate us what is the work that has to be done, what is the life we must live.
vendredi 8 octobre 2010
Книги, книжонки...
Порожнего времени получалось много и расходилось оно на подруг, друзей и вот ещё — в метро, перед сном, за едой, до и после секса, по мере распития вин и водок — на чтение, чтение, чтение книжищ, книжиц, книжек, книжонок и просто книг, сначала без разбора, с тем же насмешливым любопытством, а потом всё избирательнее, точнее.
Думаю, что русские со своим языком близки к финноуграм: и те и другие недовольны обычными способами выражения своих мыслей и всегда пытаются найти, испробовать иные возможности, иные слова и обороты. Русский язык очен вариативен, как язык он неготов, всегда в движении. По-моему, для русских язык не средство мышления, а средство выражения своих мыслей, существующих до их выражения в неком доязыковом коде, до-языке, mentalese'е.
Поэты и прозаики
samedi 28 août 2010
Я враг народа...
mardi 24 août 2010
Sofi Oksanen and the Stalin Award
jeudi 19 août 2010
Väikokodanlus malaka iist
Psühholuug Steven Pinker om kirotanu säändsist asjust peris targaste. Timä näütäs, et modernismin om ettekujotus, et inemise esteetilise väärtusegi omma puhta kasvatuse vili. Et se, mis om illos vai ei, om kotun vai koolin opit. Niimuudu sis tahtva modernisti inemist ümbre kasvatada, opata tõistmuudu ilo kritiiriumme, pästä inemise är väikokodanluse diskriitsest võlust. Kui muu avita-i, piät šokiirmä, inemiisi raputama, tsuskima, ärritämä... Piät nüütämä, kui hirmus om tegelikult seo väikokodanlik hääolemine, kui hirmus om ilo, kui hirmsa omma inemise. Kui rummal om traditsiooniline kunst, arhitektuur... Kui inemise lahti saava raputedus ummist väikokodanlikest nägemisist, saa maailm parembas. Kunstniku, arhitekti ja kultuuriteoreetiku tahtva maailma pästä Umwertung aller Werte läbi. Üts asi om subjektiivne, tuu, et mulle om väikokodanlikkusel uma võlu ja taha-i ma tuust valla saia. Tõne asi om tuu, et suure osa kunsti- ja kultuurieliidi tiidmise inemisest ja timä psühholuugiast omma häbemädä sandi, et näide ilmanägemine om peri koskilt XX sajandi edimätsist aastist, timän om viil naiiv-futurismi jälekeisi nigu usk, et kõkke esi kujonenut saa ümbre tetä, parembas tetä ja nii piätki tegemä. Revolutsiuun om pagenu uulitsilt, barrikaadelt kunstivällänäütusile ja kuntiteoreetikide tekste sisse. A timä ideoluugia om jäänü samas. Iks piät vana är lahkma, vanale vasta hakkama, sis tule uus ja parep.
Traditsiuuniline maastikumaal ei lövvä moderniste ja avangardiste silmin küll määnestki tunnustust, seo om puru-väikokodanlik... A tegelikult näütäs seo maastikumaal, olko Lääne vai Hiina oma ütte ja tõist inemiisin geneetiliselt olevist miildimuisist. Inemine, kiä om kujonenu Aafrika savannen, peläten lõvve ja leoparde, taht olla ümbrusen, koh selä takan om puhm vai sain, mis and kindluse tunde, et kiäki takast kallale ei karga, iihn aga piät olema lake väli vai viikogo. Säänest pilti kaien om inemisel parep tunne ku kaien pilti, koh nii ole-i. Ja inemisel, nigu om ruumipsühholuugia näüdänü, om ka parep olla pargin vai muial, kon pengi takan om puhm ja iinpuul om lagedat. Ku sis tahami inemist ümbre kasvatadaja panemi timä ümbruste, mis ei vast timä vajaduisile, om tulemus inne tuu, et inemisel om ebämukav ja timä püüd muiale minnä. Kui seo ümbrus om pilt vai installatsiuun vai performance vai mis neo kõk omma, timä lihtsalt ignoriir säänest kunsti vaid mis seo kõk om ja kunstnikel ja kunstiteoreetikidel jää-i muud ku kiruda, et inemise omma väikokodanliku ja pruumi viil kangembit šokiteraapia võttid. Tulemus: inemise hoitva avangardist viil kavvembahe. Asi om sandim, ku inemiisile tetäs peris ümbrus, kon timä piät elämä ja tüüd tegemä. Ja õnnetuses om osa arhitekte ka säänest inemiisi ümbrekasvatamise usku vai lihtsalt tahtva uma tsunfti sisen luurberit lõiku. Ja teevä sis maiju ja muud liinaümbrust, kon väikokodanlik inemine hinnäst sitaste tund, mis ei vasta inemise sisse programmiirit vajaduisile. Mul om küll tunne (ja või üteldä, et ka lootus), et säändside pretensiuunega kunst (incl. arhitektuur) kooles vällä ja inemise loomust nakatas tõtitselt arvestama ja seo perrä timä jaos kunsti ja eluümbrust tegemä. Inemine om üts väega vana elläi ja kand hindä sisen miljonide aastide aolukku. Toda ei saa väega kavva ignoriiri.
Нужен ли нам русский язык?
jeudi 24 juin 2010
samedi 19 juin 2010
Monarchy is democratic!
Isn't monarchy more democratic than elected government? Why must we prefer some special persons, why shouldn't we trust simple, ordinary people? And members of royal families are just such ordinary people who have no special genes or talents. In away, this is true of aristocracy in general. You are either born into nobility or you are ennobled for some reason. In general, this amounts more or less to random selection, the nobility is a more or less good sample of the general population. Why should we think persons we elect to become deputies and ministers are more able to do their job, to govern, take difficult decisions? If we want competence, we should give our future rulers proper education, they should have a competence in political science, economics, sociology, psychology, ecology. As a minimum, this would mean a couple of years of specialized graduate studies. Very few of our parlamentarians or members of government can boast of such preparedness for their job. Wouldn't it be better to choose the rulers at random and to give them the necessary education from the very beginning?
Трубочист на цыпочках
mercredi 9 juin 2010
On the Background of the Israeli Attack on the Turkish Ship
lundi 7 juin 2010
The most famous Muslim not a Muslim...
lundi 24 mai 2010
Russia -- less USSR and more Russian Empire
samedi 22 mai 2010
Taha-i suvandeid
sõna ku suvand ja vaikebrauser ja muu säändse, minkast mul om rasse arvo saia. Ole joba aastit harinenu inglis-
kiilside sõnnuga, taha-i näid kunstlikke sõnnu. Ja minno vihastas tuu, et ilma küsümäldä lätt brauser "eesti"kiilses.
Mu meelest om seo lihtsalt rummal, ku paar aastaka perän tuud, ku programmi tuleva inglise keelen, tetäs kuigimuudu
eestikiilses ja tuu kiil om väega imelik ka. Parep olessi võtta inglise sõna eesti kiilde. Et ei olessi suvand, olessi
optsioon vai optsio. Parep oppi veedü ladina kiilt ku punnitada puul-eestikiilsit IT-sõnnu tetä. Olko ik üts rahvus-
vaheline kiil nigu keskaol olli ladina kiil.
Võrdõiguslikkus ja psühholuugia
omma oleman mehi ja naisi tüü, om üts stereotüüp. Paar miljonit kruuni pandas tuu pääle, et latskeisile selges
tetä, et nimä võissiva kasvõi sepätüüd tetä ja poiskeisile, et näile sobissi latsiaidniku tüü... Inne ku säänest asja
tetä, võissiva ametnigu luke Simon Baron-Coheni raamatut "The Essential Difference" ja näütüses ka Steven
Pinkeri "The Blank Slate". Ja võrdõiguslikkuse volinik Margit Sarv võissi inne näid raamatid luke ku timä kirotas
kurje kirju muusiumele, kon tetäs poiskeisi mänge päivi. Arvosaamine, et naise omma rumala ja nõrgakese, om
aost maaha jäänü. A prõlla või üteldä, et XX aastasaa arvosaamine, et mehe ja naise erinevuse omma kasvatuse
tulemus, om ka võlsis osutunu. Egäüts, kinkäl om olnud poigi ja tütrit, tiid eski, et näil omma esimuudu huvi
ja tahtmise. Iisraeli kibutsen proomiti latsi õkva üttemuudu kasvatada: poiskese ja latskese opseva üttemuudu
ravvatüüd ja nõglatüüd, püssülaskmist ja söögitegemist. A viimäte lätsiva mehe iks rohkep insineres ku naise ja
naise rohkep oppajis ja meditsiini ja sotsiaaltüü pääle kui mehe.
mercredi 19 mai 2010
Kas tule viil Masingu-usk?
lundi 17 mai 2010
Europe without Borders
Aryans in Europe
mercredi 28 avril 2010
jeudi 25 mars 2010
An Awkward Correlation
lundi 22 mars 2010
Vinnemaast kõneldas...
vendredi 19 mars 2010
In defence of Richard Dawkins
I don't wholly agree. I think there should be some parity between religious discourse and discourse critical of religion. If we compare Dawkins with most priests, pastors, preachers, ayatollahs, imams, mullahs etc, he seems extremely mild and polite. He doesn't incite people to burn churches, to kill believers, he doesn't want to prohibit religion, he doesn't say religions are work of Satan and must be fought against with all available means, he doesn't want to ostracize religious people, doesn't want to punish church-goers, doesn't think celibacy, homosexuality, heterosexuality, abortion, contraception, test-tube babies and cartoons depicting Jesus or Muhammad are crimes. What he wants is abolition of various privileges churches and other religious organizations still possess. He wants atheists and agnostics to have similar chances to speak about their views and to propagate them. He doesn't do what so many religious people do every day. He doesn't think that he can speak with divine authority, that he cannot be mistaken, as so many preachers, pastors and imams who have no respect for people who have different beliefs or non-beliefs. I cannot but remember a phrase from a finnish orthodox journal where it was stated that the Mari (Cheremis) native religion had "absolutely no value" and, accordingly, the Maris should be converted to Christianity, preferably to the best variety of it, i.e. to Orthodoxy.
My own views are somehow different. I would like to see the deep psychological knowledge, the age-old wisdom about human life, suffering, joy and freedom to be liberated from the supervision of all breeds of ayatollahs and theologians, and to be translated into a different language that is not a language of belief, where there must not be a God as supreme arbiter and authority. I want us human beings to accept the fact that we live in a world where there is no absolute certainty. I believe it is perfectly possible and even unavoidable, if we want to survive on this planet (or maybe somewhere else). My God plays dice, and I think we can well enjoy playing dice with him. Or without him. No difference.
mercredi 10 mars 2010
No Words at the End of the World
vendredi 5 mars 2010
Religion for Egoistic Male Genes
A Beneficial Disaster?
vendredi 26 février 2010
Sofi Oksasen "Puhdistuksesta"
Sex, its parallels and metaphors
A good work of literature, be it a novel, a short story, an essay or a poem has some striking structural or compositional similarities with sexual act. In literature too, we have a foreplay, then action which leads to mounting tension and finally orgasm or, in case of literature, to a kind of a solution, katharsis, be it happy end or not. And finally, there is a rest, a peace, absence of urge or conflict. I suppose evolutionary pshychology and ethology have something to say about this. Literature, poetry is somehow similar to birds' singing or tomcats miaouing and fighting. And in the same time it's mimesis, a representation of such, often demonstratively, pugnacious behaviour. Troubadour is a kind of a songbird, but often a songbird singing about its life and its song.
Have the other arts also parallels and perhaps origins in our sexual behaviour? In classical music or in indian ragas, we have similar composition, often mounting intensity and tension, and finally -- the powerful, energetic orgastic finale. And of course: in music as in sex we have rhythm. That connects sex and music with poetry and dance. But similarities between dance and sexual act have been obvious for people for many generations. Not so obvious are the parallels between sex and war, the most intense and fatal conflict that sooner or later is solved, followed by peace. I have found fighting and warmaking as metaphors for lovemaking both in antique Roman and old Chinese novels.
samedi 30 janvier 2010

Lui uudisist, et inglase lammutase Bournemouthi vabaao keskuse, mis pidada olema Inglismaa kõge vihatum ehitus. Kai tolle keskuse pilti ja löüse, et mi puul on sändsit ehituisi üts jago. Om näid Talinan ja Tartun. Olessi hää neo ka är lammutada. Ma võtassi lammutamise nimekirja: Tartu keskliina kaubamaja, Tasku, Talina Solarise, Ühispanga maja, paar vahtset hotelli ja muidoki Vabadussõa samba. Olessi tüüd lahkji ja arhitekel, kiä võissiva sis midägi parembat projektiiri. Kaege esi: om õkva ku Eesti viimätse ao suure keskuse.
mardi 5 janvier 2010
Family values -- human values
lundi 4 janvier 2010
Nordic Christmas-kitsch

As you see on this photo I took on the second week of December 2009 in Tavira, a small town at the Atlantic coast in Southern Portugal, even here the Christmas icons are snowflakes and fir or spruce trees. You can also see figures Santas in their winter coats, and even reindeer. At the same time, there is no real winter in Tavira. A local inhabitant told me her grandmother had once seen snow there, and the temperature never falls below zero. There are no fir or spruce trees in Algarve, thus the Christmas light girlands are decorating palms. In fact, the nature here is much more similar to the nature in Galilee where Jesus was born and grew up. In Galilee there are no firs or spruces, no reindeer, no real winter. In Galilee you can see palms and camels. Why then is Christmas celebrated as a Nordic festival, why do we have all these Nordic kitschy reindeer with their sledges, snowflakes and imitations of fir trees made of neon lights? Why do we not celebrate Christmas in Northern Europe and North America with Mediterranean icons as camels, donkeys and palm trees?